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Different states an order can go trough it's lifecycle


Enumeration Members

ACCEPTED: "accepted"

Installer has accepted the order, but there is no agreed installation date yet

APPOINTMENT_CONFIRMED: "appointment confirmed"

Installer has agreed with the customer on a installation date

APPROVAL_PENDING: "approval pending"

Order is being validated by Get It done

CANCELLED: "cancelled"

Order is cancelled

COMPLETED: "completed"

Order is completed/cancelled and pending invoicing

FINISHED: "finished"

Installer finished working

ON_HOLD: "on hold"

Order is put on hold, for reasons tied to the supplier, brand, partner or customer

ON_HOLD_BEFORE_ACCEPTED: "on hold before accepted"

Order is put on hold before it was accepted by an installer, for reasons tied to the supplier, brand, partner or customer

OPEN: "open"

Order is open to installers

PROCESSING: "processing"

Order is being processed internally

STARTED: "started"

Installer started working

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